Property Owners Association
April Point South
Governing Documents
April Point South has four sections, 1A, 2A, 3A, and 4A. Each section is governed by a different set of governing documents: The Declarations and The Bylaws. Filed Policies and Rules and Regulations apply to all four sections. Below if a brief description of each category.

Declarations are legal documents which apply to all homeowners in that section. The Declarations have information about parking, maintenance fees, and other common elements.
By Laws
Bylaws are legally binding documents that govern the way the Board manages the Association ("Council of Homeowners"). The Bylaws clearly outline the rights, duties and limitations of Board members, and the Board as a managing entity. The enforcement of Rules and Regulations, the manner by which meetings are held, and other Board-related information are located in the APS Bylaws.
Rules and Regulations
Rules & Regulations are the documents that most homeowners are most familiar, because they explain what is and is not permitted in the community. Leash rules, BBQ grills, and other day-to-day rules are explained in the R&R.
Recorded Policies
Policies are created and voted upon by your Board of Directors to assist in the management of the association. Many of these policies address Texas State Condo and Property Code.